S-AMOLED vs AMOLED Which is better for phone displays

October 18, 2021

S-AMOLED vs AMOLED: Which is better for phone displays?

When it comes to smartphone displays, there are two types of OLED technologies that are often used by top smartphone manufacturers; S-AMOLED and AMOLED.

What is AMOLED?

AMOLED stands for Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode. It is a display technology in which every pixel in the display emits its light. Each pixel is made up of organic compounds that light up when electricity is passed through them. AMOLED displays are known for their high contrast ratios and deep blacks. They are often used in high-end smartphones because of their vivid colors and power efficiency.

What is S-AMOLED?

S-AMOLED stands for Super Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode. It is an advanced version of AMOLED technology in which an additional layer of capacitive touch sensors is added to the display, making it a touch-sensitive display. S-AMOLED displays are thinner than AMOLED displays, consume less power, and offer better visibility in direct sunlight. They are also less reflective and have better color accuracy.

Which is better?

Both AMOLED and S-AMOLED are great display technologies for smartphones. However, S-AMOLED is a more advanced version of AMOLED and comes with additional features such as touch-sensitivity and better visibility in direct sunlight. S-AMOLED displays are also thinner, consume less power, and have better color accuracy.

Comparison Table

Here's a comparison table of some of the key differences between AMOLED and S-AMOLED displays:

Touch Sensitivity Not available Available
Thickness Thicker Thinner
Power Consumption Higher Lower
Visibility in Sunlight Poorer Better
Color Accuracy Good Better

In conclusion, S-AMOLED displays are the better option for smartphones because of their advanced features and better display quality. However, they are more expensive than AMOLED displays, and not all smartphone manufacturers use them.


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